Download the updated Show Must Go On Report below and engage with the Vision for Sustainable Events community, learning what you can do and share your successes (and failures) so that the wider event industry can accelerate it journey to a more sustainable future.

The Energy chapter in the Show Must Go On Report details a Power Management Hierarchy to guide an event’s power planning and procurement policy. Based around effective relations with power suppliers, organisers can consider reduction, measurement and telemetry, alternate fuel sources, renewable energy sources, battery options and the all-important site and power distribution management.

Waste & Resources
The ‘Resource Use and Waste’ chapter gives details on how to approach this. Everything produced has a carbon footprint, so when precuring consider what it’s made from, how it’s made and where it’s from. Then consider how to reduce, preferably selecting items that can be re-used, recyclable products and schemes for engaging the audience, separation of waste and recovering what is possible – be that compostable / biodegradable or incinerated. Finally, be efficient with disposal.

The food chapter in the Show Must Go On Report tackles the subject of reducing food climate impacts at outdoor events. There have been numerous reports highlighting that meat has a higher impact than plant-based foods, but as in wider society, this is a difficult area to address due to poor research and a lack of available data. The chapter highlights the key areas an organiser can consider in minimising the impact of food and the influence a festival can have in shaping audience attitudes and behaviour.

This Show Must Go On Chapter looks at water use reduction from toilets and sanitation to drinking water supply and minimising pollution.

This Show Must Go On Chapter considers the measures an organiser can take to reduce audience travel impacts.

This chapter of the Show Must Go On Report considers how festivals can best approach reducing their carbon impact through effective governance and having strategic frameworks in place to deliver effective analysis and understanding of initiatives implemented on the ground.