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Disposables discontinued – guide to reusable cups by ecodisco

‘Single-use cups are cancelled. Introducing a new normal for UK nightlife.’ This report by ecodisco serves to highlight the overwhelming environmental and financial benefits of establishing reusable cups as an events industry standard. Read an extract below:

It’s time for a new normal

As we begin to emerge from the pandemic there is a keen sense of ‘returning to normal’, but was normal really working for us? Hope is in the air for the events industry as venues reopen and covid-safe events are rolled out. But as we fight and push to revive and boost this important part of our economy and culture, we must prevent the continuation of single-use culture; just like a warm pint of beer, it is unwanted.

In the rush and eagerness to return to ‘normal’, coupled with a heightened fear surrounding hygiene, many music venues and events may opt for what they know: single-use cups. After more than a year of enforced change and adaptation, can we together seize the moment to apply what we have learned and grasp an opportunity to further improve and evolve as an industry?

Ready, Set, Reuse

The team at ecodisco have worked throughout this unprecedented COVID-19 crisis to ensure that their first major project, a reusable cup rental service for urban music venues, is ready to launch out of the starting blocks as soon as full capacity events return.

Their system has been designed with financial support from Innovate UK and will be piloted in London throughout July and August 2021. This report serves to highlight the overwhelming environmental and financial benefits of establishing reusable cups as an events industry standard, rendering single-use cups ‘cancelled’.