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Green Leader Q&A #48: Charlotte Jackson, Sustainability Manager, Team Love

Charlotte manages sustainability for Team Love, working to maximise positive social impacts and minimise the environmental impact of festivals like FORWARDS and Love Saves the Day. She also coordinates strategic comms for Bristol Good Food 2030, a framework for action to transform Bristol’s food system within the decade. She is passionate about the power of community, events, and food to inspire climate and nature action… Read her answers to our monthly Q&A….

1. What is the proudest sustainability achievement or moment of your career?

Becoming the Sustainability Manager at Team Love was a dream come true.

2. What are you excited about implementing this year?

I am so excited to try growing my own food this year – I have even been gifted some purple bean seeds from the Heritage Seed Library!

4. Which environmental issue do you most care about?

Restoring ecosystems and our relationship with nature.

5. What sustainable change have you made in your personal life that you are most proud of?

Saying goodbye to my little red car a couple years ago.

6. What do you read, listen to or watch to stay in touch with green issues?

My inbox! It’s always brimming with newsletters & fantastic resources from orgs like Access All Areas, The Conversation, Vision for Sustainable Events, Climate Barometer & Avon Wildlife Trust, to name a few.

7. What is the most memorable live performance in your life?

Little Simz’s Pyramid set still gives me chills, watching her flourish on stage over the years has been so inspiring.

8. Was there a moment you committed to taking action on climate change?

At university, unveiling the historical injustices that have caused the climate & nature emergency and social inequality faced today.

9. What is the most important issue to tackle at your events?

This year, it’s food and power.

10. What do you think is the most significant challenge for the events industry becoming more sustainable?

Existing within a capitalist system.

11. What is the secret to your sustainable success?!

Working within an incredible community of people who are dedicated to climate & social justice.

12. Tell us something you feel positive about right now that relates to the environment

Crocuses, daffodils & snowdrops!

13. Tell us a book, film or recent article you feel others should watch/read and why about positive change?

Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer ­– I hope that one day this book is on the curriculum. My favourite passage is:

“It is not enough to weep for our lost landscapes; we have to put our hands in the earth to make ourselves whole again. Even a wounded world is feeding us. Even a wounded world holds us, giving us wonder and joy. I choose joy over despair. Not because I have my head in the sand, but because joy is what the earth gives me daily and I must return the gift.”

14. Can you give people new to sustainability in events a top tip?

Your unique skills, experiences, and creativity are your superpower.

15. What habit or practice has helped you most in your personal journey in life?

Stretching each morning, and volunteering whenever I can.

16. Is there anything new or exciting you are planning or changing for the future that you can tell us about?

Experimenting with different methods of power, like solar, at our shows.

Follow Charlotte Jackson on >> LinkedIn

Visit Team Love / Bristol Good Food 2030

This Q&A originally appeared in our February 2025 Vision for Sustainable Events newsletter. Sign up to receive monthly event sustainability news, case studies and guest blogs direct to your inbox.