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Power Logistics has been providing a complete project management solution for AEG’s Barclaycard presents British Summer Time festival, held in London’s Hyde Park, since 2014.

Over the last six years, AEG Live and LoudSound have been keen to improve the impact of the festival on the environment, which Power Logistics has been more than happy to support. This has seen Power Logistics carrying out power monitoring and LED lighting solutions at the festival since 2015 and the introduction of HVO fuel at some areas around the site since 2017. However, 2019 saw the prestigious event and Power Logistics take a huge leap forward in terms of sustainable initiatives: 

For the first time, the site was fuelled solely with HVO, a form of renewable diesel is produced from vegetable fats and oils.

Power Logistics also deployed its bespoke power monitoring system, developed in-house by its research and development team, to provide real time knowledge and data regarding the event’s energy usage. Power monitoring is proven to have a positive impact on an event’s carbon footprint; reducing fuel consumption and often the number and size of generators required on site which in turn leads to cost efficiencies.  

This system allowed Power Logistics to deliver clients a % breakdown of their fuel usage across identified areas with real time data so event organisers can see exactly how much fuel is being used and where. Early indications show that the effective use of power monitoring has allowed Power Logistics’ to reduce the fuel used at British Summer Time 2019 by more than 25%.

Power Logistics also implemented battery technology for the first time at the event this July in two separate areas and they are focusing on making battery power a reality for main stages in the near future. 

Power Logistics is a global leader in the provision of temporary events power. Their customer-focused service and well respected track record spans two decades. Sustainable solutions and reducing their impact on the environment are key to ensuring their business is both efficient and cost effective for clients

+44 (0)845 034 8002