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Project History and Aims | The Vision for Sustainable Events Forum | The Team

Project History and Aims

Vision for Sustainable Events is a growing network of over 1,000 outdoor events and businesses taking positive climate action. We provide the industry’s roadmap for a shared journey toward net zero and the knowledge to help get there; tools, resources, guides, news, case studies, green suppliers directory, and events that connect people.

Founded in 2010, we are a not-for-profit driven by a steering group of outdoor events industry associations and leaders in the field of sustainability in live events and the arts. Vision for Sustainable Events grew from our sister project Powerful Thinking and is hosted by Julie’s Bicycle.

The Vision for Sustainable Events Forum

Established as a non-for profit group to promote climate action, through the provision of free-to-access shared knowledge in 2010, Vision for Sustainable Events now represents over 1,000 event businesses through industry body stakeholders and leaders in the field of sustainability. View our forum members

Forum members are: Julie’s Bicycle, Festival Republic, The Association of Independent Festivals (AIF), The National Outdoor Events Association (NOEA), The Production Services Association (PSA), Powerful Thinking, Without Walls, The Nationwide Caterers Association (NCASS), The South Coast Events Forum, Soliphilia, The Fair, Betternotstop, Attitude is Everything, The East Anglian Festival Network, LS Events and Brown Fox Comms.

The Team

Chris Johnson

Chair and Co-Founder of Vision for Sustainable Events

Chiara Badiali

Project Oversight

Richard Phillips

Project Lead

Graham Brown

PR & Partnerships

Bethan Riach

Communications Manager

Tim Benson

Lead on Power
