The fourth edition of’s Green Travel Guide for Festivals and Events is packed with new information, case studies and future transport trends, May 2023., the charity on a mission to move low carbon travel to the heart of live events culture, has launched a new guide for 2023. It provides updated understanding of festival travel impacts, with inspiration for changes that can be made to reduce impacts, and how to communicate initiatives and strategy to stakeholders.
Download the Green Travel and Transport Guide for Festivals and Events
The guide has been updated in line with new best practice and research and provides expanded context on measuring travel impacts. In line with the greenhouse gas protocol and developments in sustainable transport infrastructure, it provides new case studies, recent advice, tools for measuring emissions, plus expert input on positively influencing audience behaviour and the future of travel in the UK.
- Lead author, Chris Johnson, Co-founder and CEO, ecolibrium, brings his experience as Shambala Festival’s Sustainability Lead and chair of Vision for Sustainable Events, to sharing practical, action-focused strategy and clear steps to reducing event-related travel emissions.
- Amy Woodward, Sustainability and Innovation Specialist at PA Consulting, inputs on legislative context and the future of sustainable transport infrastructure.
- Liz Warwick, environmental consultant at Lansdown Warwick and author of the Travel & Transport Chapter of Vision for Sustainable Events’s Show Must Go On report, shares her knowledge of festival and supplier travel.
- Adam Corner, Briony Latter and Chiara Badiali add insight on how to communicate effectively with audiences with research from the report, ‘From carbon footprints to cultural influence: Engaging live music audiences on travel choices’ for The Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformations (CAST).