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Vision for Sustainable Events ‘Journey to Net Zero’ Conference Programme is Live

Vision for Sustainable Events announce ‘Journey to Net Zero’ conference programme for The Showman’s Show, 20th October 2021, with two new resources launching for event organisers to cut environmental impacts from waste plastics and power.


The programme leads with ‘Industry Briefings’ where the Net Zero scene is set with a myth-busting explainer session with Chiara Badiali, Sector Knowledge and Intelligence Lead at Julie’s Bicycle. New guide ‘Reusable cups at events: Why it matters and how to do it,’ produced by Manchester City Council (MCC) is launched by Helen Harland (Events Manager for MCC) and Chris Johnson (Chair at Vision for Sustainable Events). ecolibrium’s Project Manager Naomi Lawson covers how events can tackle environmental impacts from travel, while Tim Benson (Smart Power, Powerful Thinking, ZAP Concepts) updates on the latest developments in cleaner power at events.

Marking the first in a new series of resources, the team from Powerful Thinking will launch a ‘how to’ guide on sustainably powering festival campsites in a panel and Q&A hosted by Tim Benson with guests Shaun Pearce (MD of Pearce Hire) and Megan Best (Founder of Native Events and Ops Manager at Body & Soul Festival), presenting examples of innovative new practices, discussing barriers and solutions and featuring a list of top ten tips for reducing emissions for campsite power.

The Journey to Net Zero Panel and Q&A hosted by Julie’s Bicycle, brings together guests to discuss experiences of setting targets; Helen Harland shares how Manchester is working towards an ambitious plan to be a zero carbon city by 2038 or earlier, and the Council’s role in engaging, supporting and influencing events to play their part. Chris Johnson gives an insight into Shambala Festival’s aim to be a ‘net-positive’ festival and bringing suppliers’ perspective, Alex Spinks, Head of Health & Safety and Environment for Arena Group shares Arena’s journey to reduce carbon emissions for the company and its clients.

Decordia, specialists in building and installing festival and venue architecture for events that prioritise sustainability, will provide signage to showcase materials and practice that can help move events away from single-use plastic. Award-winning sustainable brewer, Purity Ales, will be sharing their range of responsibly crafted beers for the networking drinks.

The conference once again hosts the Green Supplier Awards, in which three shortlisted suppliers with a proven commitment to reducing environmental impacts will present their innovative new solutions in elevator pitches to the judges and audience, who will vote to decide the winner.

The Vision for Sustainable Events Conference brings together the 100+ festivals and events that have signed the vision pledge to aim to significantly reduce environmental impacts on a journey to net zero, and is open to Showman’s Show delegates, providing sustainability updates and networking opportunities.