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3 Reasons to Fund The Show Must Go On #3: An Event Industry Climate Transition Plan to 2030

The UK outdoor events sector has always innovated and cut its own path, leading on sustainability practices, from the introduction of biofuels to banning single-use plastic. It’s time to take bolder action to meet the challenge of the climate and nature emergency.

The Show Must Go On (SMGO) reports (2015 & 2020) have been pivotal reference guides for event professionals, launching the 2025 sector vision, and providing a framework for hundreds of events to take climate action. Now it’s time to update our understanding, reflecting new technology, frameworks, best practices, targets, wider context and ambition.

Vision for Sustainable Events have convened an industry working group including; A Greener Future, Attitude is Everything, Association for Independent Festivals, Betternotstop, Cheltenham Festivals, Festival Republic, Hope Solutions, Julie’s Bicycle, LIVE, and Norfolk & Norwich Festival, with many other organisations who will be involved in developing the SMGO through consultation and focus groups.

We need the whole industry to help us reach the funding target of £50,000 which will match funds raised from Arts Council England, EarthPercent, Dixon Foundation and Festival Republic. Here are three reasons that we need the Show Must Go On Climate Transition Plan in 2025 and the benefits for Festivals, Events and Suppliers of getting involved:

1. A bold, urgent, ambitious and united climate vision is needed to unite the whole industry

  • The window for impactful climate action globally is closing 
  • Festivals and events have a powerful role to play inspiring change. 

2. The industry is better, faster and more cost-effective together 

  • A united vision provides clarity on the way forward for everyone in the sector.
  • We need a common language and understanding of ‘what good looks like’ – robust benchmarks, and a blueprint for standards and assessment nationally.
  • Events and suppliers of all scales need clear guidance, resources and support.

3. We need to build a strong evidence base for government support for the sector 

  • We need to make the case for what we can do as a sector, and where we need support; what the impact of certain change would be, financially and emissions.
  • We need to be clear about what policies and investment we need to accelerate sector change and unlock innovation in the supply chain

The Benefits for Festivals and Event organisers:

  • Sector-wide campaigns get results and offer payback: This has been shown through the Cultural Recovery Fund for events and 5% VAT during the pandemic.
  • A collective approach to ‘what good looks like’ and action is more effective for event businesses, climate and nature: Working together helps audiences and stakeholders understand what is needed and where we are headed.
  • Creating an evidence base for sector interventions could lead to upscaling the solutions we need to reduce impacts affordably.
  • Regulation and standards are inevitable – by acting collectively and being on the front foot, we can help shape a future that works for events, climate and nature.

The Benefits for Event Supplier Companies:

  • This is a once-in-a-decade opportunity to put your brand at the heart of positive sector change and share innovation to inspire others.
  • The Show Must Go On Report 2020 is the leading sustainability report in the sector, downloaded over 6,000 times, and referenced in the press consistently.
  • We expect to receive significant national coverage and social media reach with the launch of edition three.
  • Event companies can be part of creating an essential evidence base for sector interventions which could lead to investment and the of upscaling supply-side solutions that we need to reduce impacts affordably.

There are a range of packages to offer value for suppliers and for festivals and events to be part of this important transition and support this work.  Find more details on sponsorship packages and fund the report